Uptown Pubhouse, in downtown Flagstaff, presents The Narrow Chimney Reading series. The series pairs two different creative writers each week--one writer is from NAU's MFA program and one is an established writer in the Flagstaff community--and gives them a forum to share their original work.
Join authors Tara Ison, author of At the Hour Between Dog and Wolf, and Laraine Herring, author of A Constellation of Ghosts: A Speculative Memoir with Ravens, for a short reading from their latest books, along with a discussion about the impact of early father loss, how grief manifests and shapes a life, and how the stories we tell ourselves—fact or fiction—make all the difference…
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, Birch Bark Editing hosted a reading and conversation with Tara Ison and David Ryan. Tara read from At the Hour Between Dog and Wolf and David read from his work.
Lecture au Château de Lavigny, Résidence international pour écrivain, Fondation Ledig-Rowohlt
de l'écrivaine en résidence Tara Ison.
Tara lit un extrait de son dernier roman "At the hour between dog and wolf" (Ig Publishing, 2023).